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This page is devoted to understanding. Here, anyone can propose a question and it is up to the community at large to answer.

The reasons people everyone should be involved in the discussions on this page.

This page is devoted to understanding. Here, anyone can propose a question, and it is up to the community at large to answer Them. To not know something is not a crime to be punished. People should wonder. Question the things we regard as "facts." This is how true understandings are born. Not too long ago, the earth being flat was a fact. Of course, now we know better. What about tomorrow? It is questioning the truth that brought us to today. Do we really want future generations to be so rigid that they believe it is as it is and there is no point in delving deeper? People should question why it is. Understandings go beyond knowledge. Fact is just a series of conceptual viewpoints that people put together to define a structure known as "fact." However, the truth is infinitely more profound. By the very definition of infinity, you should realize that no matter how far you go, there is always more to understand. We should nurture this and KEEP it growing actively. This is the very Nature of The WRPK's mission. Break the Boundaries of what you think you know and ask questions. Together, we can build a tomorrow that we are proud of.